Hurricane Helene
Click Here to Give a Recovery Gift
Wow! We continue to be so blessed by your support!
Our beautiful wreaths are OFFICIALLY sold out!! Thanks to each and everyone of you!
If you would like to offer support, please don’t forget to check out our Virtual Tree option, as well as our Recovery Gift option!
We gladly offer wholesale pricing to bulk Christmas tree orders. Please call us at 828-733-5052 for a custom quote.

The result of many hours of hard work, these trees have had several feet of hurricane damage removed.

Choose and Cut & Tree Lots
​Our farm will be open for CHOOSE AND CUT. Our hours will be :
​November 23 - December 15
Thursday - Saturday
9:00am - 5:00pm
12:00noon - 5:00pm
Listed below are the three TREE LOT locations we have :
A Very Merry Christmas Tree Farm
3605 Walton Way Exit
Augusta, Georgia 30909
(Located on Walton Way Ext next to AAA Travel)​​​​​
A Very Merry Christmas Tree Farm​
Intersection of HWY 52 & 261
Helena, Alabama 35080
(Across from Helena Post Office)​​
A Very Merry Christmas Tree Farm
7119 W Gulf to Lake HWY
Crystal River, Florida 34429
(Next to Pro-Line Tile)​​​​​​
Additional Information
Rainbow Magic Alpaca Farm in Greensboro. NC will be partnering with us to sell trees in their area.
Their website can be found here.
3628 Lewiston Road
Greensboro, NC
Finn the Fir is a children's book written by Claire Muchler. She is kindly gifting a portion of her sales to us at Trinity Tree Company - Avery Farms. Finn the Fir is about a 'perfectly imperfect' tree looking for a home. This book would be a perfect gift for any child in your life. Click the picture below to order your copy today!​

Merry Christmas From
Trinity Tree Company and Avery Farms